Ask any parent, and teething seems to be the most common plague impacting a solid night's sleep. But I have news for you...teething actually doesn't impact sleep long term.
While teething definitely can cause a short term sleep disruption due to minor discomfort (1-2 days max), it typically does not affect nighttime sleep, nor does it cause prolonged sleep disruptions.
Let's look at the facts
Teething CAN cause:
a slight rise in body temperature (aka a low grade fever)
a fussy, clingy baby
temporary avoidance of solid foods
a 1-2 day minor sleep regression
Teething DOES NOT cause:
a severe fever
a hysterically crying baby or toddler
refusal of the breast or bottle
major or prolonged sleep issues
If your child experiences any of the above health of feeding symptoms, please contact your health care professional.
What this means for sleep
You guessed it - your child's sleep challenges are more than likely not related to teething. The good news is, this means you have some control over how well your child sleeps. In fact, you have a lot of control over how well they sleep! Because it's all about empowering your little one with the skills they need to sleep confidently and independently.
How to handle sleep when teething
View teething as any other development related sleep regression. If your already independent sleeper has a rough day or two of teething, and it does impact naps or nighttime sleep, my first rule of thumb is to stay consistent. Your child continues to sleep in their crib for all naps and nighttime sleep because this is where they will get the best sleep, and safest sleep. Extra snuggles are always encouraged.
Teething is most painful when the tooth is cutting through the gum (a 1-2 day period of time). That's when you may notice your child becomes more fussy, exhibits a low grade, is clingy, may seem lethargic, and sometimes can cause a short 1-2 night sleep disruption. Contact your pediatrician for a pain management recommendation if needed.
How I can help
My goal is to provide SIMPLE, data-driven, step-by-step sleep programs for the tired parent who's ready to SLEEP AGAIN! When you have a brand-new baby, a 3-year-old who's never slept through the night, or you just need some help making a schedule change. I have a program just for you!